STEER Housing is a Charity registered in Ireland RCN: 20061272
Property Owners
Long Term Leasing
Long Term Leasing is a Government funded initiative which gives residential homeowners an opportunity to lease their property to a housing association for an agreed term of 10-20 years. It is ideal for property owners who want to retain their property as a long term investment and have a long term security of income, but who do not wish to have responsibility for the day-to-day management of the property.
Properties must be furnished and of good quality. They will be subject to an inspection by Steer Housing Association and the Local Authority. We will assess the suitability of properties in relation to the housing needs that have been identified for that area and its overall compliance with planning and building control.
Generally, one, two, three and four bedroom houses and apartments are required. These properties will be used to provide accommodation to people on the Local Authority housing waiting list