STEER Housing is a Charity registered in Ireland RCN: 20061272
Managing Your Debts
We want you to be able to pay your rent and understand that you may have other debts. Below is some useful advice to help you tackle the problem.
• Do Not Ignore The Problem
Ignoring your debts will not make them go away. The longer you leave it, the worse it will become and it may end up costing you more with extra bank charges and interest payable etc.
• Get Free Independent Money Advice
Make contact with agencies such as The Money Advice and Budgeting Service (MABS). MABS is the only free, confidential, independent and non-judgmental service for people in debt, or in danger of getting into debt.
• Check Your Social Welfare Entitlements And Rate Of Pay
Check that you are claiming all the benefits that you are entitled to. Make sure you are receiving the appropriate rate of pay and check that your tax credits are correct. Citizens Advice provides information on public services and entitlements in Ireland.
• Make A List Of Your Debts
List out all your creditors, how much you owe and prioritise and decide which debts you need to pay first. If you don’t keep up with your mortgage or rent payments, you may lose your home.
• Work Out A Weekly Budget
If you want to understand where you’re spending your money it’s a good idea to work out a budget. If you sometimes have difficulties with managing your money you can use your budget to identify areas where you can make changes, to reduce your spending and to develop a realistic budget that you can stick to. Work out your income and expenditure and be honest about what you are spending your money on.